A John Adams Academy Classical
Leadership Education
"All men, who have turned out worth anything, have had the chief hand in their own education."
Sir Walter Scott

The education of tomorrow's leaders determines the level of freedom and prosperity of the next generation. Leaders select the goals of a nation and the means of achieving those goals.

Leadership Education trains thinkers, leaders, inventors, citizens, entrepreneurs and statesman. It educates individuals "how to think" and teaches them why it is important. Robert Hutchins said this type of education is "the education of free men in the knowledge and skills that are needed to remain free."

Classically educated leaders are prepared to motivate and inspire individuals, communities and nations to a greater good in an environment of freedom and prosperity that naturally produces the best society has to offer. This awakening is achieved through enduring principles of success. It is not to educate effectively but greatly through the internalization of principles exemplified in the lives of great individuals that accomplished great things.

Leadership Education presupposes that each individual is born with a unique and individual mission to fulfill. Leadership Education consists of discovering, preparing for and fulfilling this mission. It is not the role of Leadership Education to fill students with a pre-determined set of facts, beliefs, or processes, but to inspire them to discover their own potential and unique abilities that only he or she has to contribute to society.

Our Founding Fathers and the great leaders of history received a Leadership Education. In the twenty-first century it falls to us to choose what kind of leaders we will produce. The liberty, prosperity and stability of our nation and even future civilizations are dependent upon the leaders of tomorrow getting a Leadership Education today. These principles and the wisdom of history are still available to all who are willing to pay the price to educate, work and implement the timeless principles of a Classical Leadership Education to make a difference in the world.


John Adams Academy provides a rigorous, systematic study of great minds down through the ages to achieve mastery of a subject and make connections between past events and the flood of current information. The curriculum of John Adams Academy inspires students through self-discipline to educate themselves in the principles of freedom. In partnership with parents and mentors students discover and prepare for their unique mission and purpose in life within the following structure:


From Washington and Adams to Gandhi and Locke, great individuals studied other great individuals. A classic is a work that can be experienced many times over and give something new each time. A classic or great book has three essential qualities: great theme, noble language and Universality.

Classics open our eyes to the true nature of our world and take us across the divide that separates mind from mind. They reveal to us our essential humanity, both its beauty and its horror, and hold the mirror up to our unknown selves. A true classic speaks to the heart and soul, with a message of truth that echoes in our lives long after we've turned the final page.

Classics teach us about human nature. They allow us to experience, in an intimate way, the greatest mistakes and successes of human history. Learning how others think, feel, and act allows us to predict behavior and helps us to develop empathy, compassion and wisdom in our relationships with others.

Classics bring us face-to-face with greatness. As we study the characters, real or fictional, in the classics, we are inspired by their greatness, which is the first step to becoming great ourselves.

In classics we can experience other people's characters more powerfully than in real life because the author lets us see their thoughts, feelings and reasons for and consequences of their choices. Classics force us to quietly study, ponder, analyze, think, ask, discover, cry, laugh, struggle, and above all feel, change, and become. Then, because we are better, we are motivated to go out and serve.

Great literature is miraculous because it makes available to us things that we cannot get in any other way. A classic gives us the personal wisdom to be better as an individual and a citizen of a free nation.

  • Methods
  • Skills
  • Outcome